Can You Pass the World’s Hardest Spelling Test?

Do you tnihk you can psas the hdearst slpelnig qiuz on the ernite inretent? We believe you can, especially if you were able to recognize all the spelling mistakes in that previous sentence. These questions will challenge even the best of spellers. Even the people who won their elementary school spelling bees will not be able to breeze through this quiz.

I need to pick up some _________ at the grocery shop.
"broccoli - correct spelling."
Show hint
Correct! Wrong!

Our business meeting was __________ a success.
Correct! Wrong!


Headaches are becoming a daily _________ .
Correct! Wrong!


The old airpot terminal is closed for _______ .
Correct! Wrong!


The list of words I frequently _______ is not that long.
Correct! Wrong!


She admits she's an ________ when it comes to photography matters.
Correct! Wrong!


We'll need to go two ____________ ways.
Correct! Wrong!


My dad promised me not to do anything to _________ my friends.
Correct! Wrong!


It's said that a clear ________ is usually the sign of a bad memory.
Correct! Wrong!


The skateboarder performed some outstanding _________ .
Correct! Wrong!


Not quite...
All right.. you almost got it. Can you do better than this?
Not bad!
You have a strong vocabulary but still you need to look up a couple of words in the dictionary.Don't give up, next time you will do better.
YESSSS! You got this!
This is a result you can be proud of. Not many have achieved this so far. You are among our top 11% of quiz takers. Congrats!

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